Health Benefits of Flaxseed
This tiny seed provides the following incredible benefits for your diet: Omega-3 essential fatty acids – Flaxseed is a plant source of the shorter chain omega-3 called ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). These essential fatty acids (our bodies don’t make them) play an important role in the anti-inflammatory system of our body. Lignans – Flaxseed contains both plant estrogen and antioxidant qualities, […]
Winning the War Against Disease and Premature Ageing
In many ways, if we wish to discover the path to health and wellness, we need to turn our eyes to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. The latter may have had shorter lifespans owing to long periods without food and attacks by vicious predators, but their bodies were free of some of the most common degenerative diseases faced by modern man, including osteoporosis and tooth decay. Interestingly, our Stone Age ancestors consumed far more than the current recommended levels of quality protein, essential fatty acids and fruits and vegetables.