Health Benefits of Tamarind
As most ancient foods do, tamarind has a long history of medicinal uses. Many involve easing stomach discomfort, aiding digestion, and use as a laxative. Dried or boiled tamarind leaves and flowers are made into poultices for swollen joints, sprains, boils, hemorrhoids, and conjunctivitis.
1. Tamarind pulp helps alleviate inflammations, sore throats, fevers and conjunctivitis.2. A poultice made from the leaves and flowers relieves swollen joints, sprains and boils.3. Tamarind also contains high levels of tartaric acid that serves as a powerful antioxidant to zap harmful free radicals from your system4. Tamarind seed eye drops and used as an herbal treatment for dry eye syndrome due to a polysaccharide found in the seed.5. The tamarind juice when blended with lemon, milk, honey and dates is believed to be a offer digestive aid and as a remedy for biliousness and bile conditions.
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