Vitamin B2 for Migraines and Cataracts
Also known as Riboflavin, vitamin B2 was isolated in 1933. It was synthesized in 1935 and is an important part of your diet and nutrition. It is very important to the body and assists the body in metabolizing energy from the diet as well as in various other bodily functions. Riboflavin can also assist those who suffer from migraines as well as cataracts.
Vitamin A and Your Cholesterol Levels
When vitamin A is in its beta-carotene form, it can be an amazing antioxidant. Antioxidants are important in the body because there are a variety of different free radicals that develop and circulate throughout the body. At the biological level, free radicals are formed due to weak bonds in molecules that break. Free radicals are very unstable and can cause many issues within the body, mostly cause oxidation to occur. To rid the body of these free radicals, you need antioxidants.
Understanding the B-Complex Vitamins
The B-complex vitamins are a mixture of the eight essential B vitamins. These vitamins are required on a daily basis for our bodies to properly function. It was first believed that there was only one B vitamin, however later studies on the vitamin were able to differentiate it into eight different vitamins. Hence, the B-complex vitamins were formed. Each component of the B-complex vitamins play an individual role in the body’s function.
Thiamine and Diabetes
Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is a water-soluble vitamin that is very important in several different bodily functions. Without thiamine, there are very serious side effects that may result. However, when used appropriately thiamine can be an excellent source of help for those who suffer from diabetes.
The Relationship between Calcium and Osteoporosis
As children, we were told to be sure and drink our milk so our bones would be nice and strong. For the most part this is absolutely true, as there are few foods that are naturally abundant in vitamin D and many people do not get enough sunlight to naturally synthesize vitamin D in that manner. Because of this, the FDA requires that specific foods be fortified with vitamin D to ensure we get adequate calcium.
Is Ester C Really Better For You?
Ester C is a unique form of vitamin C. It is manufactured through a water-based process that causes a neutral pH product and naturally occurring vitamin C metabolites. These metabolites are believed to make it easier for the body to utilize the vitamin in cell-to-cell transport.
Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin D
Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, is actually two fat-soluble vitamins including vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. The term vitamin D includes both of these when referred to. Vitamin D3 is unique in that the body produces it when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet B radiation, or sunlight.Vitamin D is important in the maintenance of the organ systems. It regulates the calcium and phosphorous levels in the blood and promotes the absorption of the nutrients from your food in the intestines. It also promotes the re-absorption of calcium in the kidneys. Perhaps the most important function of vitamin D is that it promotes bone formation and mineralization. This is essential in developing and maintaining strong bones.
Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin B9
A sufficient amount of folic acid in early pregnancy is important because it prevents birth defects, especially birth defects that develop in the brain and spine. Women who become pregnant and do not consume adequate amounts of folic acid are more likely to have babies prematurely, low birth weights as well as birth defects.Vitamin B9 is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that it needs to be replenished in the body on a daily basis. There are two ways that you can do this.
Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that is also referred to as pyridoxal phosphate. In its active form, vitamin B6 is used as a cofactor in amino acid metabolism. It is also used in the enzymatic reactions that control the release of glucose from glycogen.This vitamin was discovered in the 30s when nutrition studies were being performed on rats. It was later discovered that the vitamin could actually exist in more than one form. The vitamin plays a very important role as a cofactor in the various enzymatic reactions that occur in the body. These enzymes are mainly amino acids and are very important in the proper functioning of the body’s functions.
Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is required for life. This vitamin is a must have in your diet because it is required to form coenzyme-A (CoA) and to metabolize as well as synthesize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.