Health Benefits of Ginger
Ginger‘s culinary qualities are a delight, but its health benefits are simply stunning. It has been used medicinally for more than 2000 years. Here’s a list of some amazing benefits of ginger that you may not aware of.DIY Ginger TeaIt has been used for many centuries to relieve gas, bloating, indigestion and various digestive conditions. Ginger helps […]
Health Benefits of Mangos
Mangos are one of the most popular fruits all over the world. Loved for its taste, mango also  known as the “king of fruits” has immense health benefits.Mango is rich in fiber and helps to prevent constipation, piles and symptoms of a spastic colon. Research and studies have shown that dietary fiber lessen chances of developing certain cancers and heart conditions. Now you […]
Health Benefits of Soursop
Beyond its delicious flavor, soursop fruit is rich in Vitamin C, dietary fibers, Vitamin B – Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6 and Folate and minerals like Potassium, Magnesium, Copper and Iron.BENEFITS OF SOURSOP1. High Vitamin CIts rich content of vitamin C increases the amount of antioxidant in the body that eliminates harmful toxins in the body and thus […]
Eat More Beans
Want to gain muscles but avoiding fat from animal protein? Try beans as a substitute. Beans are generally very high in fibre, as well as in protein.- Add them to soup or salads- Choose dishes with beans- Use pureed beans as the basis for dips and spreadsBeans can lead to the formation of intestinal gas. […]
Winning the War Against Disease and Premature Ageing
In many ways, if we wish to discover the path to health and wellness, we need to turn our eyes to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. The latter may have had shorter lifespans owing to long periods without food and attacks by vicious predators, but their bodies were free of some of the most common degenerative diseases faced by modern man, including osteoporosis and tooth decay. Interestingly, our Stone Age ancestors consumed far more than the current recommended levels of quality protein, essential fatty acids and fruits and vegetables.
Why Vitamin B9 is Important in Conception and Pregnancy
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is an important part in everybody’s diet, but it is particularly important for women who are planning to become pregnant and those who are pregnant. Women in either situation need to put folic acid at the top of their nutrient checklist and ensure that they are regularly taking pre-natal vitamins as well as eating foods that are high in vitamin B9.
What is Biotin?
Biotin has a couple of names. It has been called vitamin B7 as well as vitamin H. Whichever name you choose to call it, it is a water-soluble vitamin that belongs to the B-complex vitamins group. Biotin has many uses in the body, but is particularly important in metabolizing fats and amino acids. It is also used in cell growth. Biotin is a key component in the Citric Acid Cycle, which is a process by which energy is created during aerobic exercise.
What is Beta Carotene?
Beta-carotene, we’ve all heard of it and we’ve all heard that it is good for us, but what exactly is it? Beta-carotene is the molecule in foods, such as carrots, that give them their orange color. It is a molecule found in your orange and yellow fruits and vegetables and it is even found in egg yolks.Carotenoids were isolated early in the 19th century and in the 1950s, we began using them for food colorings. Beta-carotene is essentially the most important precursor to vitamin A. Beta-carotene is known for its antioxidant properties as well and helps to prevent cancer a host of other diseases.
Vitamin K Injections for Infants
Because the child is vitamin K deficient, there is an impaired production of the various coagulation factors that are required for proper blood coagulation. The liver produces these factors.Newborns are relatively vitamin K deficient at birth for various reasons. Prior to birth, the placenta does not pass vitamin K to the baby sufficiently. This means at that the child typically has low stores of the vitamin K at birth. To compound the issue, breast milk has low levels of the vitamin and the gut flora has not yet reached the stage where it can produce vitamin K for the child naturally.
Vitamin E for Smokers
We all know that smoking is bad for our health and in particular the lungs. However, smoking’s effect on the body reaches further than just the lungs and is the cause for many diseases in the body. Many of these conditions result not necessarily from the act of smoking, but from the fact that smoking causes the body to use its stores of vitamins much more quickly.