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Choosing Quality Chia Seeds

A member of the mint family, Chia is obtained from the flowering Salvia hispanica plant. The reason behind this seed’s popularity- amongst nutritional experts and consumers alike- is its multitude of benefits.Chia is a rich source of healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. It is also high in antioxidants, fibre, protein, calcium and carbohydrates. Easily digestible and absorbed, chia hydrates the body through electrolyte retention, and energizes the body. It also supports muscle and tissue regeneration, and contributes towards cardiovascular health and joint support.

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Are you a chocolate lover? If you are, before you reach out for that tempting piece of chocolate candy bar or slice of chocolate cake, it’s important to know that not all forms of chocolate contain high levels of flavanols. Flavanol is a naturally occurring antioxidant found in various types of plants. Its antioxidant qualities can be extremely […]

Which Loaf is Best for You?

You know whole grain has more nutritional heft than white, fluffy, overly milled breads, but with so many claims on the labels like “high fiber”, “multigrain”, “whole wheat” encouraging you to think you are buying the healthiest choice, it’s too confusing to decide what’s a good loaf.  Check what’s on the label Look for bread that states “100 […]

Vitamin-Packed Seaweed

A staple in Asian diets since ancient times, seaweeds are high in nutrients and pack a variety of health benefits. Seaweeds are one of the richest sources of minerals in the vegetable world! They are also almost fat-free, very low in calories, packed with calcium, protein, carbohydrates, phosphorous, magnesium, iron, iodine, and sodium, and vitamins A, B1, C, and E. […]

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Want to look gorgeous from head to toe? Drink apple cider vinegar (mixed) with water daily! The use of vinegar for a multitude of reasons like treating colds, fever, cough, and eliminating toxins can be traced back to centuries ago! Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made by the fermentation of apple cider. During the fermentation […]

Energy Snack: Cucumbers

Always feeling tired and can’t do without your coffee or favourite soda in the afternoon? Put down your caffeinated drink and pick up a cucumber instead! This wonderful low-calorie vegetable has more nutrients to offer than just water and electrolytes. Cucumber contain an eclectic mix of some of the best vitamins you can put in your body, including […]

Avocado Oil for Healthy Cooking

Everybody wants to be in good shape. The key to success is to find the balance between exercising and healthy eating. So how can we make sure the cooked food we eat are as healthy as possible? When it comes to cooking, its better to cook with oil than butter or lard to reduce on […]

Natural Body System Cleanser: Lemon Water

Lemon Water is a simple and surprisingly healthy internal cleanser to kickstart your day with. Packed with antioxidants and other health benefits, a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon revitalises the body and mind. 5 Good Reasons to Drink Lemon Water Relieve digestive problems – Fresh lemon water can help relieve or prevent digestive problems like […]

Power Food: Lentils

Lentils are not only a cheap source of protein, but they are also fat-free, high in fiber and rich in many essential nutrients. Adding lentils to your diet offers loads of health benefits, such as helping you control your weight to promoting heart health! Health Benefits of Lentils Lower Cholesterol – Lentils have high levels of soluble fiber to […]

Strawberries for Skin

Do you know strawberries have powerful antioxidants and are loaded with more vitamin C per serving than oranges or grapefruit? Research shows that people who eat foods rich in vitamin C have fewer wrinkles and age related skin problems than those who don’t. Why are Strawberries Good for skin? Rich source of Vitamin C, that helps to fight off […]